Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Because I am a Girl"

Oh the funny things that kids say...........................

Grace, who is 4, is especially nimble with the words. It is hysterical what she comes up with sometimes.

For months now, she has been saying "forgot" backwards. Even though she has a huge vocabulary and likes to talk nonstop, she can't get the concept of "forgot". So all day it is "Mom you got-for my snack", "Mom we got-for to play the game", "Mom I got-for my doll" etc. etc. It is grammatically hideous, but so very cute. I try to correct her, but it is also makes me smile.

She says other things that make me smile. The other day she told me that she didn't want to be a doctor when she grew up anymore. She wants to be a horserider. So we went driving to look at horses. But she was not entertained. Anytime I would point a horse out, she would say "No Mom, not that one. I have already picked my horse out." Who knows where it resides.

But the other day she took the cake. I was taking her brother to the doctor for a checkup. The subject came up about shots. She told her brother "You're going to have to get shots, Ethan!" He answered back, "so do you!" To which she retorted, "No you have to get shots because you are a boy. I don't have to get shots because I am a girl."

Who knew life could be explained so easily?


Sketchy said...

I love "got-for". I gotfor which of my kids did that too, I'm thinking it was Grant. I'm so missing everything being so far away!! All her cutie-pie years, boohoo. Well, maybe we'll be back by the time Aubrey is 4 and saying the cutest things.

PS: My WV is luvyuo, fairly appropriate!

Nettie said...

Awwwww! She sounds so adorable! I wish I had written down more of my kids cute sayings. Then I wouldn't have "got-for" so many of them.