Friday, November 23, 2007

Halloween Fun

Yes, I am actually creating a post. Aren't you all shocked and amazed????? (All 2 of you.) To tell the truth, it is difficult for me to blog on dial-up. Yes, I am one of the 10 people left in the world who doesn't have DSL. And when it is time to blog, it is a nightmare!!!!!! But soon we will be getting DSL and I will be off in blogging heaven. Until then, it must only be reserved for special occasions, like.......................................Halloween!

I have always loved the Stitch costume at the Disney Store online and this season it was on sale, 50% off! (Plus free shipping) Who can pass that up? With the help of an agreeable son who gave up illusions of being a superhero and a daughter who insisted she was being Lilo and no one else, not even Cinderella, we had a great looking pair. They even won a prize at the Church Halloween Carnival for being the most original costume in the 0-6 age group. (Not hard when everyone else is either a princess or Spiderman).

Hannah and Addie had their own ideas for their costumes, being the tweenagers that they are. Hannah gave up her idea of being a pirate a week before Halloween in favor of being a "Spa Princess". She loved it especially because she got to wear slippers to school. Addie decided on the all-famous Hannah Montana. It sounded like an easy costume, but the uncooperative wig and finding the right clothes turned out to be harder than I thought. Still, it worked out in the end after the second attempt at it (the first try imitated a street walker, I'm sad to say!)

Aubrey was the easiest because frankly she didn't have a say! I found this Eeyore costume at Goodwill for $4 and loved it. (Just the right size too).She looked so cute in it and like playing with the ears as you can tell! Goodwill is my new love for costume shopping. Great bargains if you can convince your kids that it is what they want to be.

All in all, it was a fun holiday and I am thankful it is over so that we can move on the to less stressful ones like Thanksgiving.......... Oh then it will be Christmas so I guess stress-free is not in my future anytime soon. Anyone for Groundhog Day?


ranell said...

They all look great! I love the Spa Princess, how funny is that. Great originality Hannah.

Aubrey is getting so big, she looks so cute in her Eeyore. Long floppy ears are just to irresistible.

Thanks for the post!

How did things turn out for Thanksgiving?

Millie said...

I am so... happy. :)

Everyone looks super cute!

Sketchy said...

Yay!!! They look so cute. And Aubrey...gush! I'm melting!