Yes, it was a blown-out tire, the first one of my entire life. Luckily, we had a spare on the car, but tire was on the driver's side, right by the speeding cars rushing past my DH as he tried to get the useless tire off and the spare on. Most cars were courteous and moved to the left lane as they went past, but one motorhome pulling a speedboat came so close, I thought I was going to be a widow for sure! (We later saw it pulled over by highway patrol -- Aw, sweet justice!) We did make it to our destination that night and $55 later, we had a new tire.
The next day was my father's wedding. It was beautiful yet emotional at the same time. He married a wonderful lady who seems kind and generous and in love with him. But it is strange to have him married to someone else besides your mother. (Anyone who has been though this can attest to the dual feelings!) Still it was a beautiful day and they were very happy.
We got to stay for dinner and then had to hop in the car and drive home again because Sunday was the Primary Program. If I were anything BUT the president, I could've skipped it. But since I had one counselor gone and the others had never done a program before, I felt I had to rush home. So we traveled the six hours back home again, with me in the van with 3 children, and my DH driving my father's red sports car alone with one child. Luckily the kids with me were good otherwise we may not have made it back alive!
The program on Sunday went well despite a couple of surprises (aren't there always?????) By the end of church I was exhausted but happy to have to over with for another year. Sunday and Monday nights I had to work which made Monday and Tuesday go by very fast so it felt like we went right from the program into....................................
Yes, we have one spider witch, one Sleeping Beauty, one knight (with a sword and one Dora the Explorer. I even made the backpack although you can't see it in the picture. It was a very fun night. I even dressed up although I couldn't get my DH to go nerdy with me!
He had to go as the dashing Indiana Jones. I think he looks a little embarrassed to be seen with me, what do you think????????
Anywho, it is November and I am exhausted and I can't even think about what is around the corner. Maybe I can just go into hibernation for a couple of months.
Wow! Lots going on in your life. I've never had a tire blow out either-glad your DH is still in one piece.
Congrats to your dad, but I know what you're saying. There's a missionary couple here that have been married 2 years and Guapo and I always talk about how it would just be kind of hard for kids. It would be hard for me.
Your costumes look great, I've been a nerd before too. One of those, I got everyone else's costumes ready and I have nothing.
Glad the program went well, we had ours on Sunday too. Julio had a wipe in his pocket when he went up that he used to bandage his hand up the entire.program. Grrr.
(I am due March 11) You don't look very big in your nerd photo!
How fun to see a picture of you two after all these years! Congrats to your dad - is that the temple I see in the background? Wow.
I've had the parents-married-to-other-people thing happen several times, but I can't imagine one of my parents marrying after one of them had died (had they stayed married). It's nice for your dad to have someone again, but as for you and the other kids... I feel for you.
Cute costumes, you all look adorable. :)
Love all your costumes, specially your and your DH, you both look cute :)
I'm glad the motor home got pulled over (he got sweet-justied, ha ha).
One time we were driving form WA to Las Vegas, it was snowing during a stretch of road, everyone was trying to be safe and cautious, going slow, and these teens were acting like complete idiots, passing everyone, pulling in front of people. A few miles later we saw them pulled over by the Highway patrol...Dh honked, the teens turned to look, we waved and smiled BIG, HA! so sweet.
I’m glad you all made it there and back, safely and had a fun time.
Anyways, I'm watching Nacho Libre this weekend. I can’t wait anymore, it's killing me, nacho is just sitting there, jumping in his luchador outfit and his cape saying "come come, we'll have fun together" or something like that.
Gabriela: I can't complain about the woman he married -- she's great. The wierdest part though was at the dinner seeing all her kids (she has 8) and thinking "you are like complete strangers to me and now we are family."
TMM: I'm glad you liked the picture (I'm looking rather trendy, aren't I?) Yes, my dad was married in the temple. I think this would have been much harder had my mom actualy been alive and they were divorced or something. I don't know how you did it.
NCS: Don't you love it when there is justice on the road? It is sweeeeet.
Have fun with Nacho Libre. I expect a post when you are done.
I just showed up and played the piano. Or they eloped, and I was blissfully unaware, until I got a phone call or saw them at the next family gathering. ;)
The divorce was harder than the remarriages (is that a word?).
LOL, have you bought the Nacho DVD yet?
I can attest to the dual feelings It should get easier. :)
TMM -- We haven't purchased the DVD yet although my DH is wanting it bad. I'm sure it will be purchased soon.
Lei -- Thanks for the sentiment. I'm looking to the future with hopes of that as well.
I just can't even wrap my head around everything yet! It's been such a crazy couple of weeks!
I'm glad you survived the tire incident with only physical damage to your tire, and not yourselves!
Your costumes are all darling. And, at least your dh was willing to dress up at all. The only costume I've ever seen my DH wear was a pair of Mickey Mouse ears, carrying a jar of PB. (He was Annette Funicello)
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