Monday, October 23, 2006

Witchetty Rhabdomantist Funambulator Snood

Can you tag yourself to do a MeMe? Gabriella asked for volunteers for the Crazy Word MeMe and I jumped at the chance since I am relatively unimaginative and needs lots of help knowing what to blog about. This was much tougher than I thought so I'm seriously thinking of never tagging myself again. But here goes my best effort at creativity:

Witchetty: Although this is often confused with a Halloween theme, it is actually the word commonly used in the South to determine which direction one should go down the road. "Witchetty way should we go to Vern's house?" (My apologies to anyone Southern-bred)

Rhabdomantist: An expert in the field of "Rhabdoman". (And if you know what that is, I'd like to know.......)

Funambulator: The person everyone wants to hang with at the party, the one who gets the crowd going, the one who has the liveliest conversations and everyone keeps looking at thinking "I wish I were at her table", the
Daring Young Mom of Real Life.

Snood: Unlike its cousin word "Snoop" who is a person who gets into everyone else's business except their own, a "Snood" is a person who thinks their business is more important than anyone else's and hence why snoop at all?

And since I was challenged by this activity, I'll tag my SIRL:
Shelly and Ranell. Your mission should you choose to accept is to take these real-life words and make up your own definitions. No peeking in the dictionary!! Your words are:


Bonus Word: zyzzva

Have fun! May you be more creative than I.


Super Happy Girl said...

"Witchetty way should we go to Vern's house"...Bwahahaha! excellent.

Blogg*r is so difficult today, he's the anti-funambulator, he's taking all the funambulation out of my life right now.

Whew, I'm glad you are not tagging me, those words look pretty difficult (and fake!)

Sketchy said...

Alrighty then...

I need a funabulator I think to come up with these...I've been feeling supremely unfunabulatorist since returning home (a day late, did you hear?).

ranell said...

This sounds like fun. I just hope I my imagination still works.

Oh and you have the wrong link to my site. Mine is mytotalchaos not totalchaos