As you can see, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Here are the 5 excuses--I mean, reasons, why it has taken me this long to log on........
5. In July I found out that I have the same problem that Gabriella has. starting with a B and ending within 9 months. That's right, I'm expecting our 5th child, which we are very excited and terrified about at the same time. (We thought we were done! Silly us!) This pregnancy has been an interesting one because I am still working my 4 nights a week, which leaves me pretty much exhasted the other nights (and days) of the week.
4. Speaking of work, I used to blog constantly at work because the girl I worked with loved to do her homework on the computer during our "slow" times. When she left around the end of July, I started working with people who love to talk......all night long! So needless to say I didn't get any blogging done.
3. In August, I got a new calling -- one that shocked me and scared me all at the same time. I went from being the casual, teach-on-Sundays Sunbeam teacher to the Primary President all in a matter of two weeks. Not only did it take me a while to get back on my feet after the surprise, I have been crazy busy getting ready for the Sacrament Meeting Program. Thus, when I'm not at work, or sleeping, or spending "quality time" with my kids, I'm working on Primary! Instead of blogging.
2. Let's face it -- I'm a pretty boring person. I do pretty much the same things everyday, none of which is all that newsworthy. I'd love to make it into whimsical, interesting blogs, like sketchy and nocoolstory, but I find myself at a loss for words. So I began to doubt my blogging abilities and ran out of things to blog about, even recipes. So I just didn't try..........
1. I'm a huge procrastinator! I admit it! I'm finally out of the closet about it. I procrastinate everything -- scrapbooking, cleaning the house, reading a novel, scripture study, exercise, going back to school. EVERYTHING! So why should bloggin be any different? The only thing I don't procrastinate is eating and watching The Amazing Race Sorry, but it is the cold hard truth and the #1 reason I haven't blogged in 2 months.
To anyone who is reading this:
You have my utmost admiration for having stuck by these 2 long months. I will honestly try not to disappoint again.
I loved being admired! Do not disappoint me again, hmpf.
Good for you taking a break and doing other things (specially spending time with your kids), some of us should get off The Internets and get out more often.
I like reading your blog, you like Mexico, I like your sister, so you see, it's all good.
Congrats on Baby #5!
(((HUGS))) Congrats on the baby, and the new calling! :) So glad you're back!
Congratulations on baby number 5 and your new calling!
I found out in July we are expecting our fifth, too. 4 days after being called as Primary President. How twinner is that? When are you due? If you say March 10th, I'll swear we are living in parrallel universes!
Glad to see you back and to hear that life is just crazy busy, not something tragical. And NO we do not think your life is boring!
And you are frankly quite silly --no one who lives in a house with 3 daughters, a son, a highschool teacher, works in a hospital admitting (although I guess there's probably reasons you can't blog about that), AND is Primary President...has a boring life. It is just not possible, sorry!
Oh and I like the new format!!
NCS, TMM, & Shelly -- Thanks for sticking by me. You guys are great!
Nellie -- WOW! What a crazy coincidence. I'm not real sure on my due date, but I think it will be around Feb 20. I've only actually been to the doctor's once. And I forgot to ask when it was. How's that for the 5th child syndrome?
Now if we are having the same kind of child (boy/girl) that will really feel like the Twilight Zone.
Yay, you're back.
Congrats on being pregnant. Hope you are feeling ok. Wow. Number 5. You go girl.
And your new calling? Ugggh. You and Nettie! I feel grateful to be the RS secretary right about now!
Nettie: Sorry about the name change. I was very blurry-eyed when I wrote it.
Gabriela: Welcome back to the Blogger world! Baby #5 is a surprise -- I thought for sure we were done. But hey, you gotta take what the Lord gives ya & love it, right? RS Secretary -- that's sounds heavenly. Be careful though, you're not that far from la Presidente.
How are you feeling lately? Your life is in no way boaring. I think we all feel like our own lives are boaring and everyone elses lives are more interresting. With that theory you have a very interresting life. I am glad you are a part of my life. Thanks!
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