Friday, July 14, 2006

Life in the Slow Summer Lane

It is sad but true..............

Summer has killed my blogging habit. I am having definite trouble finding time admist the summer sun to keep up with blogging!

Maybe it is having all the kids home during the summer. Maybe it is the summer sun calling my name. Or maybe I have just gotten lazy. My blgging has been seriously neglected!!!!

Naddin J tagged me to do a childhood meme. I had good intentions. I was going to put up something really great. As you can see, the summer air clouded my blogging vision and I was unable to live up to the challene.

Each week I think of many different things I could blog about. "Oh that was cute, I should put it on my blog!" Does it get done? NOOOOOOOOOO! Along with Spring Cleaning where everything gets done, I think there is Summer Procrastination where nothing gets done, including my blogging.

So I apologize to you my blog readers. I hope I have not discouraged you from visiting my blog by seeing the same dull post day after day. I will try to do better, but rest assured that in the fall, I should be back to normal blogger mindset again.

I do feel the obligation to follow through wtih my Friday recipe. Who knows why? Call it a compulsion, an obsession, a sense of blogger obligation. So here we go:

This week's recipe is yummy and we use it a lot as it is all ready in about 30 minutes (which I love!). However, it does require one to turn on the oven in the summer heat so I apologize in advance to all those in warm temperatures:

Oven Fried Pork Chops

4 pork chops, cut 3/4 thick
2 T. butter, melted
1 beaten egg
2 T. milk
1/4 t. black pepper
1 c. Stove Top stuffing mix, finely crushed.

Pour butter in 13 x 9 pan, tilting pan to coat. In a shallow pan, mix together egg, milk and pepper. Place stuffing mix in another pan. Dip chops in egg mixture, then dip in stuffing mix. Coat both sides. Place in 13x9 pan.

Bake uncovered at 425 for 10 minutes. Turn chops and bake for another 10 minutes until juices run clear.

If you really don't want to turn on your oven, you could probably cook in the stove. Just fry in a skillet. I haven't tried that one yet, but it would probably work just as good.

Do not fear fellow bloggers, I will be back in full blogging force soon! Of course, then I will probably be in a state of depression because the summer will be over.


Millie said...

Don't worry about it. Your blog is taking a hit because you're doing more important things, like hanging out with your babies, and I say "Hats off to you." Your priorities are in perfect order. :)

Gabriela said...

I agree with Naddin! Don't worry about it. We'll still be here. Your recipe sounds good. Guapo loves pork chops so I'll have to try it while we are in the States while I can get Stove Top!!

Enjoy your break--don't feel guilt!

Super Happy Girl said...

"Sense of blogger obligation", a force to reckon dear blogging buddy!

I agree with the others, go out, enjoy RL, the sun, the kids, having to mop the kitchen every five minutes, there shall be time for more blogging later, much later.

I won’t even say “I’ll try the recipe” anymore, I’m so behind in real life is not even funny anymore…at least my blog gets updated, which makes me oh so proud.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've just figured that at least once a week I'm sure to hear from you...thats better than most of our siblings, lol.

I will print out your recipe...but I'm not using it until fall! LOL But seriously, my house never cools off! It is just constantly muggy even if its cooling down outside. In the winter I thought it was leaky as a sieve, but now in the summer when I could use a breeze, it is like I live in a vaccumm!

Erickson Family said...

Thank you for all your loyalty and kind words. You are great bloggers indeed!

Shelly: You traded the Western heat for the Eastern humidity. No wonder you're sweatin'! :)

Karla said...

Handie people have to have a break too. Enjoy your summer - it'll be over before you know it!

Millie said...

OK, that's long enough. We miss you. Get back in business. :)

-- Natalie

Nettie said...

I love recipes that use stuffing!

I found blogging over the summer difficult at times, too. But it is over now. Where are you? Hope everything is okay...

Super Happy Girl said...

A little bird told me that once school started Handiemom would come back...
Come back...come baaaaaaack

And don't feel bad about taking a break. Everyone needs one of those once in a while (besides, you're not even getting paid for blogging...yet)

Anonymous said...

The apple lady has some big news she is not sharing....too tired I expect....will she care if I mention "apple blossoms"?

Super Happy Girl said...

What? is this like top secret?
I don't want to throw my guess out there...
More hints, I need more hints.

Millie said...

Come ON.... I need details...

Erickson Family said...

OK, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Read my recent post for the details you crave.

And sorry I've been such a slacker!