Monday, June 5, 2006

MLM -- My Picture

Smokey Light
Originally uploaded by handiemom.

Rachelle asked this week for us to choose a picture of something that was specific to me, but wasn't necessarily of me. This was hard as I kept wanting to post a picture of Diet Cherry Coke (not sure why, maybe because I'm addicted to it). But then I went back to nature and chose this picture.

It symbolizes me in a couple of ways:

1) It is a beautiful picture of nature which I LOVE. I am a nature girl and I love the outdoors, mountains, woods, lakes, etc. etc. I love to go camping, although we have not been for awhile due to having young children (Kids Under 3 + Camping = Natural Disaster).

2) I am truly "o'natural" girl. No frills here! Little to no makeup, 20 minutes on my hair if I'm lucky, and I would live in sandals if the winters weren't so cold.

3) This picture reminds me of the Sacred Grove where God and Jesus Christ appeared to the prophet Joseph Smith and started the restoration of the gospel. This is also a huge part of who I am and why I do some of things I do.

4) There are dark spots in this picture and light ones as it is with my life. I have many blessings and periods of joy. But I have also had my share of dark and trying moments, like everyone. Sometimes I am happy and optimistic and other days, I feel cloudy and gray. I always eventually turn myself to the bright light above (don't we all?) but every moment of my life, good or bad, has made me who I am. I wouldn't change a thing (except maybe my dress size.)

So there you have it! I hope it was worth the read. Then again if you would rather see a picture of Diet Cherry Coke, let me know.............................


utmommy said...

I'm with you on the sandal thing. I think I own about 20 pairs of flip flops, no exaggeration. Plus, all the other sandals that you need for the summer. DH thinks I'm crazy, but loves me anyway!

Super Happy Girl said...

That's a beautiful and soothing picture.
I specially like #4’s description.

Maybe you could Photoshop a Diet Cherry Coke in the picture?

Millie said...

Very comforting. I could use thoughts like #4 more often too. I've come to appreciate #3 more and more as a grown-up.

My flip-flops enjoy a lovely winter tucked away in a dust-covered box in the garage/storage unit... and are so happy to see the light in May. I love sandals but can't handle the wet cold toes of winter.

Gina said...

That cracks me up about the diet coke (and photoshopping it into the picture). I had a hard time coming up with a picture too. Then it clicked, "click", and I knew what that sound was...

Great and creative post! I love learning about people and their introspects on themselves.

Anonymous said...

Thats really insightful Steph. I love the photo and your thoughts.


PS: I'll join you on those 4 make that 5 things, but make mine Diet Lime Coke please...

Karla said...

Very nice. I love to camp too. We are planing on taking our two year old twins on a short camping trip soon - not without a little trepidation!

Gabriela said...

Beautiful post! Love the picture and the explanations. I am not a camper and I keep using our kids as the excuse as to why we can't go. I feel validated now, thank you very much!

Lei said...

Rofl at the diet cherry coke! Raising hand, admitting addiction. :)

That looks like heavenly spot... I love communing with nature.

Nettie said...

Great photo! And wonderful deep thoughts about it. Good job, you deserve a diet cherry coke!

Dawnyel said...

This pic is GORGEOUS!! I love the symbolism that you found there too...I think you described a lot of what I feel and think! :)

Diana Mancuso said...

That's a beautiful picture. It does have yin and yang quality to it. Anyway, Ms. O. Natural, thanks for stopping by my blog.

Erickson Family said...

Shelly: Diet Lime Coke? Sorry, I'll have to pass.

My full hands: You are a brave woman. I salute you.

To all who share my addiction with Diet Cherry Coke: You are women after my own taste buds! Thanks for acknowledging my sinful fettish!