Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MLM -- What's in My Name?

I know that it is not Monday, but I'm new at this so I'm a little late. This post is a response to Rachelle who gave the topic "My parents named me __________ because........"

As you may have guessed, my real name is not Handiemom. It is Stephanie and unfortunately I don't have an exciting story about why I was named that. My mother was 7 months pregnant at the time and didn't have any idea what to name this baby if she had a baby girl (she had a boy's name all picked out-- shows what they were rooting for!)

She was driving along the streets of San Jose, California, and there she came to a "Stephanie Lane". She thought to herself (and I'm paraphrasing) "That would be a good name for a girl." And so it stuck.

I was originally supposed to be name "Stephanie Michelle" but my mother claims that a girl in her ward overheard the name my mother had planned and when her baby was born just a month before me, she named her baby "Michelle Stephanie"! That sounds pretty unbelievable, but that is how the story goes. My mother, being embarrased to name me the reverse of someone else, gave me no middle name at all.

So I wish I had a more exciting story to share, but this is it! Apparently the street sign is still standing if anyone wants to check it out.


Gabriela said...

I think a street sign qualifies as a cool story. You should get a pic of the sign, you know, for the grandkids.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how many people have stories like that? Personally I think the reason Mom didn't have a name picked out for a girl was she was trying to convince Dad to use "Shelley" but that wasn't working -- she needed 2 more years buggin him to get her way with that. (Did you know that's why my name is spelled without the second "e" -- that was the compromise)

But the thought of you being Shelly and me being something else is just weird!

Rachelle said...

I think a street sign is a good story. Thanks for playing!

Nettie said...

That is a fun story! I've heard of streets named after people, but a person named after a street is indeed unique.