Tuesday, May 2, 2006

1st Blog Attempt -- Readers Beware!

I'm new to blogging so I'll start my first post telling you about my life. (Boring, right? Sorry but it's all I got right now................)

I am a mother of 4 wonderful children, 3 girls and a boy. 1)A pre-teen girl (10) who is driving me crazy daily with her mood changes although I'm still trying to love her "unconditionally". 2) A first grader who has an incredible memory remembering everything I ever said or thought I said and reminding me daily. 3) A 4 year old boy who is trying his best to develop a masculine side despite getting his nails painted -- and I'm afraid that he likes it! 4) A 3 year old girl who was an adorable two year old until the day she turned 3 and developed her own "identity" that I'm trying my best not to strangle.

I live in Washington state where I work part-time at night at a hospital keeping my nights active and my days bleary. (This will also explain the reason my post is happens at 4:00 AM!) I have lived all over this state and like the tranquility and beauty around me. However, I am also prone to the Latin side as I speak Spanish and have been to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. I love Mexican food and seek to cook it as much as I can. I can make some mean enchiladas, empanadas, milanesa and picadillo, but I can't seem to cook some decent beans!

I like to read, but find myself immersed in non-fiction more than fiction. Books like Fast Food Nation and Nickel and Dimed tend to captivate my nerdy mind. I also do love a good thriller, like a John Grisham novel or The Davinchi Code and my 10-year-old has got me hooked on the Lemony Snicket books which are the best around if you have a warped mind like mine.

I'm starting this blog to reach out to all you nerdy moms out there who love to chat and share. Maybe my thoughts can be understood by someone else and we can compartir juntos.

Hasta luego!


Gabriela said...

Hi Handiemom!
Welcome to the blogging world. Your family sounds like they keep you pretty busy. Love the descrition of your 3 year old--I've got one of those too. I am prone to all things Latin as well, and I'm with you, beans are hard to make!!

And, I LOVE Fast Food Nation. I should read it again though as we have started visiting McDonalds and Burger King again (yuck!!!).

We'll be great blogging friends! Have a great day.

Erickson Family said...

Thanks for being my only comment so far! You rock and I look forward to blogging with you more!

(And I still go to McDonalds and Burger King too. Shameful, I know, but I can't help myself!)

Blackeyedsue said...

Welcome, welcome!!! I'm pleased to meet you! There is no shame in visiting the likes of Mickey Dees or the King once in a while.

LOVE the DaVinci Code. I am going to the midnight showing on the night of the 18th...can you see me dancing and squeeling in excitement!

Lei said...

Welcome to blogdom! Glad you jumped right in... thanks for stopping by!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on starting your blog! I started my blog the day after you. I am still getting the hang of things. You can check out my blog if you have a chance. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

Nettie said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I also love to eat and cook Latin, read nonfiction, garden, and have 4 kids. We have so much in common already!

Anonymous said...

Hey I found you! Being your sister you would think you would forward me the link, at least you should know that I would track you down if you gave me enough of a trail, lol. But never fear I have you bookmarked now...

And I like your blog! Especially your Fast Food Fridays ;). I'll be checking back for those for sure.