I had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything normal, nothing out of the ordinary. But the big question on all of our minds was, what is it? A
brother for my little boy to bond with? Or a sister to add to the other 3 to torment their brother to no end? What does the Lord have planned for our family?
At first, it seemed as if the baby wanted to keep it a secret and make us practice patience and wait until February.
But in the end, it was cooperated and relented to share its secret.
So can I have a drumroll please?????????
The last (and I repeat LAST) member of the Handiemom family will be a .................................................................................
Yes, that is right. We are having another girl. Much to my son's displeasure, he will have to battle another sister instead of getting a little brother.
I of course am happy no matter what, as long as it is healthy. But I did dread telling my son. It turns out he took it rather well. Here went the conversation:
Me: So today, the doctor told us this baby will be a sister, a little girl
Son: AHHHHHHHHHHH! I really wanted a brother!
Me: I know, but look at it this way! You don't have to share your toys or your room.
Son: Ok. (Pause) Mom, can I take my robot to Baily's house tomorrow?
Hence he was quickly on to other concerns and there were no tears or crying fits. I think he was happy he will continue to be Dad's travel partner to Home Depot. The whole dreaded conversation went rather well.
Hopefully the next 19 weeks go the same.
Hurrah for another girl! :) Bella was all ready to be the "Princess" as the only girl with three brothers, but then we had Roz. So now we have two.
I think the baby looks like Wade. (wink wink)
Congratulations! I'm jealous. I still have to wait 12 more days to find out!
A girl! yay! congrats.
That's a good pic, her profile is beautiful.
P.S.Home Depot is the mall for men (at least that's what DH and Firstborn claim)
:)) You guys do girls well! And trust me brothers battle just as much together...
WOW! That is really neat. It's a good thing your s are so beautiful. Poor Ethan! Although I must say he handled it really well. That is a great picture of baby. Do you have a name picked out yet?
Looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple weeks!
Congratulations! That is one cute baby!
Hey, our babies look a lot a like! :) congrats! I want a little girl!!
i tried to get on all day yesterday and Blogger was being a bit testy
Nettie: I'm on pins and needles. You will let us know, right?
RaNell: No names yet. I'm a little burned out this time. It may be called "Baby" for a while.
Gabriela: Maybe Blogger doesn't like Mexico?????? I'm sorry it was treating you poorly.
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